MANBA series for MEN
The core of MANBA brand brings positive self-awareness to the meticulous spirit of modern men.
本專案是為台灣男性品牌『MANBA series for MEN 曼巴男士保養』的產品包裝設計。
This product packaging design project is for the brand "MANBA series for MEN".
The core of MANBA brand is focus on the field of maintenance and presentation of new masculine images. It brings people with positive self-awareness through service and more knowhow for the social images to express the meticulous spirit of modern men.
本專案是為台灣男性品牌『MANBA series for MEN 曼巴男士保養』的產品包裝設計。
According to the progress of Gender Equality, our society try to re-define about the beauty of human. And this progress is also related to the fields of behaviors and social images which we live on.
The packaging design of this product is for the brand "MANBA series for MEN". The core of MANBA brand is focus on the field of new masculine images maintenance and presentation which brings people with more knowhow for the social images to express the meticulous spirit of modern men.
High contrast in the project with colors and materials for the concept from engraving and POP Art that mean to harmonious combination with sense of vision and touch.
『MANBA series for MEN 曼巴男士保養』品牌初始是根據亞洲男性對於男女平權思維演化下的適應,來提供男性所需服務。因此,在本專案為想為男性面部服務,提升個人形象的想法後,包裝採用視覺上的高對比來展現新形象上的俐落分明。霧面為產品及包裝主要質感,平衡視覺上剛性調性的侵略感,並在接觸產品的同時透過觸覺上的緩衝,來帶給使用者本專案欲表達內容:男性形象能以更包容多元性質的方式組成,這樣是不衝突並和諧的。