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in house



Shih Chien University Department of Industrial Design


Exhibition:Factory in House



Design is for a better life. We break open the final models, deconstruct the design process to communicate with people about those new concepts that designers are envisioning.


After the industrial revolution, manufacture process progressed from man craft to machinery production. Under the drastic change, many countries, including Taiwan, formed an in-between style method called "Family Factory" to transform from agricultural to industrial society. Like the name, "Family Factory" formed by family units in communities and private houses. Family members use simple tools and labor to assemble artifacts. Family factory was one of Taiwanese economic engine until the big and standardized factory became the mainstream.



At Factory in House, we observed and see that the user and maker are merging, the idea of buying may shift to making, the concept of patent are melting down to open source and collective information.



Therefore, as a group of young designer, we take the spirit of family factory, asking all designers to show their process of making, creating a mini, low-tech and interactive production line. The goal is to break the wall of proper design, and reveal what is behind all those beautiful models. In this exhibition, the participants will understand how things are made, and perhaps be part of the making process. " Would you be a maker ?" asked by Factory in House.


工業革命後,產品製造程序從人為先決的工藝技巧,進入機器生產的標準化製程。在社會形態轉變的過程中,許多國家在工業化的浪頭推進下,都經歷過一段特殊的轉變時期,我們稱它為 「家庭工廠」。


家庭工廠,又稱「家庭代工」,被視為一種轉型中的工業型態,多由小家庭成員(或是社區成員)在民宅內以小型機具及半手工的方式進行簡單的工業加工,以此賺取低額利潤。 在台灣,此形態由農業社會轉型成工業社會的過渡期中尤其常見,但當工業社會發展至以大型工廠為主要供應源、組裝、生產成本也相對降低後,家庭代工日削月朘,社會也逐漸轉型為服務業導向。






Topic:Golden Black


In the earlier years of Taiwan, our country were major in electronic industry and depend on it to improve the economics. We had been familiar with resistors, wires, transformers, bread boards. By pieced them together that construct a electronic island. At the same time, the way of function and standardization factory tie down the materials and us.

Try to take apart the outer covering and to individualize the components. To recombine the components in a different way with its looking, touching and perceptual feeling. Let the components not only under the covering but also be notice further more to be a protagonist. Showing its beauty. By the times we takes to recognize its in a new way and possibility of construction. 







展覽日期 Date:2014/05/12(一) - 05/25(日)

展覽時間 Time:pm 3:00 - 9:00

展覽地點 Location:「家庭工廠 Factory In House」- 台北市大安區永康街41巷5號二階 / 2F., No.41, Ln. 5, Yongkang St., Taipei City

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